Looking Back: Our Top Ten Articles of 2016


Oncology Nursing News looks back at the Top 10 articles posted this year.

At the end of the year, through winter holidays, people often take the time to reflect back on the year that’s past. There have certainly been a lot of changes in 2016, and here we highlight for you, our most viewed articles in 2016. Enjoy a happy and healthy holiday season and new year!

  • Big Challenges, Even Bigger Opportunities for Nurses in Today's Healthcare Arena Susan Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN, director of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action and senior advisor for nursing at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) in Princeton, New Jersey discusses developing the nursing workforce to meet the demands of the new healthcare landscape.
  • What I Wish My Nurse Knew About Anal Cancer Registered nurse Michele Longabaugh shares her experience of being diagnosed with anal cancer and the stigma that this disease carries. Longabaugh explores what a nurse should keep in mind when treating a patient with anal cancer.
  • On the March: Immunotherapies Advance to Treat More Cancers New approvals and investigations of immunotherapies offer new opportunities for patients and new responsibilities for nurses. This article provides information for nurses to understand and explain to patients how immunotherapies work and what the possible side effects could be.
  • Supporting Your Patients Who Have Low Self-Esteem After Cancer Treatment Although the effects of cancer inside the body are certainly vast, changes that occur to the body and appearance can be just as drastic. This study explores those changes and how patients’ self-esteem can lower as a result.
  • Cannabis for Oncology Patients: A Clinical Review Something to consider for oncology nurses is the use of cannabis. There are many legal, political, economic and medical issues to navigate when it comes to medicinal marijuana for cancer treatment.
  • Oncodermatology and the Nursing Specialist Contributors Anna Skripnik Lucas, RN, BSN, DNC, and Kathryn Ciccolini, RN, BSN, OCN, DNC, explain the important field of oncodermatology, incorporating both dermatology and oncology specialities.
  • 6 Reminders for Anyone Caring for a Cancer Fighter This Holiday Season Members of the IHadCancer community share what they wish friends and family knew about the holidays for patients and survivors of cancer. Did you miss our November #CureConnect tweetchat on this topic? Take a look at the storify to get a recap.
  • Women Need More Information to Cope With Aftermath of BRCA-Prompted Preventive Surgery This interview with Olga Ivanov, MD, explores a study which discusses the need for improving patient education to help women better understand their options and make informed decisions.
  • Supporting the Emotional Needs of Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer Lisa Tamis-Bieder, RN, BSN, OCN, explains the importance of supporting patients with cancer with concerns about changes in appearance and helping to meet their emotional needs.
  • The Power of Touch Contributor Pam McMillan, RN, OCN, writes about how powerful and effective massage therapy can be for patients with cancer.

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