ONN's Top 5 Stories: December 2018


Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for December 2018.

Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for December 2018.

5. Monitoring Immunotherapy-Related Adverse Events

Oncology nurses must not only be aware of the adverse events of immunotherapy, but they must also educate their patients—and their other providers—to recognize them as well. Learn more in this piece.

4. From Novice to Expert

Here, our newest contributor, Karen Harris, shares her thoughts on how oncology preceptor programs can help enhance the training of new and even experienced nurses.

3. Supporting Children When a Parent Has Cancer

Cancer affects not just an individual, but also their friends, family members, and children. In this story, we cover 3 ways oncology nurses can help children cope with a parent’s cancer diagnosis.

2. Lymphedema Treatment Starts with Education

To best manage lymphedema, patients must first understand their disease. This piece takes a closer look at why education about this condition is so important.

1. Bringing Snow to Santa Monica

Read about how the whirlwind effort to fulfill a patient’s last wish turned into a source of pride for the nurses who helped bring snow to one southern Californian patient and his family in this story.

With 2018 nearly over, we’d like to thank you for trusting us as your source for oncology nursing news this year, and look forward to bringing you even more of the stories you enjoy in 2019 and beyond.

And as always, for links to all of our top stories and more, visit OncNursingNews.com.

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