ONN's Top 5 Stories: October 2018


Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for October 2018.

Here are the top 5 Oncology Nursing News stories for October 2018.

5. Up in Arms Against the Flu

Patients with cancer could be at risk for serious complications from the flu. This story explains why it’s important for oncology professionals to protect others by getting a flu shot.

4. Higher Education Translates to Better Care

In this piece, written by a member of the Oncology Nursing Society, see how higher education can help oncology nurses provide better care to their patients.

3. Dealing with the Spiritual Needs of Patients with Cancer

Is there a place for spiritual care in oncology nursing? This piece examines the difference between spirituality and religion and offers tips on how to handle these difficult conversations.

2. Nursing Through the Prism of Childhood

This profile of oncology nurse Elizabeth Davis of St. Jude’s Research Hospital explores how she aims to give her pediatric patients the best days she can, no matter what those days are like.

1. How Nurses Can Address a Disparity in Care

African-American women are still dying of breast cancer at higher rates than their Caucasian counterparts. This piece offers tips on how oncology nurses can help address this disparity.

For links to all of our top stories and more, visit OncNursingNews.com.

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