Patient Communication and Collaborative Care for Symptom Management


Panelists discuss how physician assistants educate and empower chronic graft-versus-host disease patients and their caregivers to recognize, report, and manage symptoms effectively, detailing strategies for patient communication, developing personalized symptom management plans, addressing challenging symptoms, and collaborating with the broader healthcare team to ensure comprehensive care.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • As a PA, what strategies do you use to help patients recognize and report their symptoms effectively?
    • How do you counsel patients and caregivers on identifying, managing, and communicating (to who: e.g. nurse navigator, pharmacists, patient portal) these symptoms with their healthcare team?
    • Please provide an example or 2 of what that patient conversation looks like.
  • Can you walk us through your process for developing and adjusting symptom management plans for cGVHD patients? How do you involve patients in this process?
    • What are some of the most challenging symptoms to manage in cGVHD patients, and how do you approach these challenges?
  • How do you collaborate with other members of the healthcare team to ensure comprehensive symptom management for cGVHD patients?
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